We supply different types of very high quality parfumes, essences and fragrances that are produced in France. Our customers range from food and beverage players, as well as cosmetics and herbal products manufacturer. |
We supply our tear tape products to the big cigarette manufacturers in Indonesia, and currently in the stage of expanding our market share. |
Insultec membranes and coatings have a remarkable ability to stop solar heat transfer. Insultec is applied to the external surface of a structure in fluid form and dries to a solid protective finish. It is highly durable and flexible, allowing it to move with the substrate. INSULTEC fills and bridges hairline cracks, and can be applied to a wide variety of materials such as concrete, asphalt, timber, clean or primed fibro and properly primed metals. It is in a slightly off white colour with a matt finish to alleviate glare. The application of INSULTEC membrane ensures longer life for the substrate it is applied to. |
INSULTEC is a water based co - polymer containing inert pigments and special fillers. |
We supply excellent sealant to glass converters producing double insulated glass. Our product has an advantage of having lower specific gravity and faster curing time, giving higher outputs, hence, more cost effective for our customers. In addition to that, the higher polymer content found in our product means that it has a better durability when compared to other sealants found in the market. |